Source code for yumpu_sdk.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests


[docs]class Yumpu(): """ This is an SDK for working with It's usefull for converting pdf documents to web optimized e-Papers. For start working you need to register on and get the token by accessing If you have a free account, then you will have some limitations. The most important of them is that you can upload only one PDF every 15 minutes. """ def __init__(self, token): """ For begin working with Yumpu you need to specify your token. :params str token: the token for working with API. You can obtain it on :Example: from yumpu_sdk import Yumpu yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') """ self.token = token self.headers = {'X-ACCESS-TOKEN': self.token}
[docs] def do_get(self, entry_point, params={}, uri=BASE_URL): """ This function is for getting information from API. It's a general function and you can use it for make strange things like send very customized requests to API, but in general case you don't need to use this method ever. :param str entry_point: relative url for sending request :param dict params: a dict with GET params to send :returns: the result of request :rtype: json """ url = "%s%s" % (uri, entry_point) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) return r.json()
[docs] def do_post(self, entry_point, params={}, filename=None, uri=BASE_URL): """ This is a general function for post something to Yumpu API. It's a very general function, and is better to use somthing more specific. :param str entry_point: the URL where we will send the datas :param dict params: a dict of fields and values for sending :param str filename: an absolute path to file for sending :returns: a response with detailed data of resulted action :rtype: json """ url = "%s%s" % (uri, entry_point) files = None if filename: files = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')} r =, headers=self.headers, data=params, files=files) return r.json()
[docs] def do_delete(self, entry_point, id, uri=BASE_URL): """ This is a general function for deleting things on Yumpu. :param str entry_point: the relative url for send request to delete items :param str id: the id of deleting item :returns: the result of deleting action :rtype: json """ url = "%s%s" % (uri, entry_point) params = {'id': id} r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers, data=params) return r.json()
[docs] def do_put(self, entry_point, params={}, uri=BASE_URL): """ This is a general function for send PUT requests to Yumpu API. Is used by other functions for update things on Yumpu. :param str entry_point: the relative path where to send datas :param dict params: the params to send :returns: the result of request :rtype: json """ url = "%s%s" % (uri, entry_point) r = requests.put(url, headers=self.headers, data=params) return r.json()
[docs] def documents_get(self, offset=0, limit=10, sort='desc', return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve a list of your documents. :param int offset: Retrieve rows at position X (min. 0). Default is 0. :param int limit: Retrieve X rows (min. 0 and max. 100). Default is 10. :param str sort: Sort results ascending or descendening (asc or desc). Default is desc. :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, update_date, url, short_url, image_small, image_medium, image_big, language, title, description, tags, embed_code, settings) :returns: list of documents :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.documents_get() { u'completed_in': u'0.0584', u'state': u'success', u'total': u'2', u'documents': [ { u'embed_code': u'<iframe width="512px" height="384px" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>', u'description': u'', u'language': u'en', u'title': u'Test file', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'', u'image': { u'small': u'', u'big': u'', u'medium': u'' }, u'tags': False, u'id': u'53486950' }, { u'embed_code': u'<iframe width="512px" height="384px" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>', u'description': u'', u'language': u'en', u'title': u'ACTIV-rom-22(78)-tipar.pdf', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'', u'image': { u'small': u'', u'big': u'', u'medium': u'' }, u'tags': False, u'id': u'53312964' } ] } """ entry_point = '/documents.json' params = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sort': sort } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def document_get(self, id, return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve one document. :param int id: id of one of your documents :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, update_date, url, short_url, image_small, image_medium, image_big, language, title, description, tags, embed_code, settings) :returns: datas about one specific document :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.document_get(53312964) { u'completed_in': u'0.0771', u'state': u'success', u'document': [ { u'update_date': u'2015-08-30 19:02:16', u'embed_code': u'<iframe width="512px" height="384px" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>', u'create_date': u'2015-08-30 19:01:11', u'description': u'', u'language': u'en', u'title': u'ACTIV-rom-22(78)-tipar.pdf', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'', u'image': { u'small': u'', u'big': u'', u'medium': u'' }, u'tags': False, u'access_tags': False, u'subscriptions': False, u'pages': u'1', u'width': u'452', u'height': u'640', u'id': u'53312964', u'settings': { u'magazine_page_teaser_url': u'', u'privacy_mode': u'public', u'player_branding': True, u'site_recommended_magazines': True, u'site_download_pdf': False, u'player_download_pdf': False, u'player_google_analytics_code': u'', u'player_inner_shadow': True, u'appkiosk_iap_sale_item': False, u'appkiosk_itc_product_id': u'', u'player_outer_shadow': True, u'player_social_sharing': True, u'magazine_page_teaser': False, u'player_html5_c2r': True, u'date_validity_until': u'', u'magazine_premium_blurred_page_range': u'', u'site_social_sharing': True, u'player_sidebar': False, u'player_print_page': False, u'date_validity_from': u'', u'magazine_premium_blurred': False, u'magazine_page_teaser_page_range': u'', u'magazine_page_teaser_image_url': u'' } } ] } """ entry_point = '/document.json' params = { 'id': id, } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def document_post_file(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new document from PDF. :param str title: A title for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 255 characters :param str file: The full path to pdf for converting :param str description: A description for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 2500 characters :param int category: 1, 2 or … (A list of valid category ids: Document categories) :param str language: en, de or … (A list of valid languages: Document languages) :param str tags: A list of words seperated by comma (house,garden,balcony). Min. length 3 characters, max. length 30 characters. Allowed characters a-z and a space. :param str visibility: public, private, rprotected, pprotected, dprotected, webkiosk, appkiosk or webappkiosk (rprotected = protected by referrer, pprotected = protected by password, dprotected = protected by domain(s)) :param str domains: A list of domains seperated by a comma (Note: Visibility must be set to dprotected) Examples:,, :param str validity: Valid from and / or valid until Examples: 2013-10-01T00:00:00-2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00, valid until 2013-10-30 23:59:59) 2013-10-01T00:00:00- (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00-) -2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid until -2013-10-30 23:59:59) :param str blurred: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_image: Image data The image must be less than 2 MB in size. Allowed mime types are image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png and image/x-png. The image will be resized to fit in the page dimensions (of your magazine). Note: If you use page_teaser_image, the parameters page_teaser_page_range and page_teaser_url are required. :param str page_teaser_page_range: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_url: A valid URL. Examples: :param str downloadable: Allow users to download your source pdf file. y or n :param str detect_elements: Detect elements automatically? y or n :param str recommended_magazines: Show recommended magazines on Yumpu? y or n :param str social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_download_pdf: Show button „download pdf“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_print_page: Show button „print page“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_branding: Show Yumpu branding in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_sidebar: Show a list of recommended documents in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_html5_c2r: Activate HTML5 full screen on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_outer_shadow: Drop shadow in Yumpu player. y or n :param str player_inner_shadow: Shadow effects on pages. y or n :param str player_ga: Activate Google Analytics tracking. A valid UA code from Google Analytics. :param str access_tags: One or multiple access_tag ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str subscriptions: One or multiple subscription ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str iap: Enable In-App Purchase (y or n) :param str itc_product_id: iTunes Product ID """ entry_point = '/document/file.json' filename = kwargs.get('filename', None) kwargs.pop('filename') return self.do_post(entry_point, kwargs, filename)
[docs] def document_post_url(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new document from PDF placed on given URL. :param str title: A title for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 255 characters :param str url: The URL of PDF :param str description: A description for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 2500 characters :param int category: 1, 2 or … (A list of valid category ids: Document categories) :param str language: en, de or … (A list of valid languages: Document languages) :param str tags: A list of words seperated by comma (house,garden,balcony). Min. length 3 characters, max. length 30 characters. Allowed characters a-z and a space. :param str visibility: public, private, rprotected, pprotected, dprotected, webkiosk, appkiosk or webappkiosk (rprotected = protected by referrer, pprotected = protected by password, dprotected = protected by domain(s)) :param str domains: A list of domains seperated by a comma (Note: Visibility must be set to dprotected) Examples:,, :param str validity: Valid from and / or valid until Examples: 2013-10-01T00:00:00-2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00, valid until 2013-10-30 23:59:59) 2013-10-01T00:00:00- (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00-) -2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid until -2013-10-30 23:59:59) :param str blurred: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_image: Image data The image must be less than 2 MB in size. Allowed mime types are image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png and image/x-png. The image will be resized to fit in the page dimensions (of your magazine). Note: If you use page_teaser_image, the parameters page_teaser_page_range and page_teaser_url are required. :param str page_teaser_page_range: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_url: A valid URL. Examples: :param str downloadable: Allow users to download your source pdf file. y or n :param str detect_elements: Detect elements automatically? y or n :param str recommended_magazines: Show recommended magazines on Yumpu? y or n :param str social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_download_pdf: Show button „download pdf“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_print_page: Show button „print page“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_branding: Show Yumpu branding in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_sidebar: Show a list of recommended documents in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_html5_c2r: Activate HTML5 full screen on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_outer_shadow: Drop shadow in Yumpu player. y or n :param str player_inner_shadow: Shadow effects on pages. y or n :param str player_ga: Activate Google Analytics tracking. A valid UA code from Google Analytics. :param str access_tags: One or multiple access_tag ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str subscriptions: One or multiple subscription ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str iap: Enable In-App Purchase (y or n) :param str itc_product_id: iTunes Product ID """ entry_point = '/document/url.json' return self.do_post(entry_point, kwargs)
[docs] def document_put(self, **kwargs): """ Update document on Yumpu. :param int id: The id of document to update. :param str title: A title for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 255 characters :param str description: A description for your document. Min. length 5 characters, max. length 2500 characters :param int category: 1, 2 or … (A list of valid category ids: Document categories) :param str language: en, de or … (A list of valid languages: Document languages) :param str tags: A list of words seperated by comma (house,garden,balcony). Min. length 3 characters, max. length 30 characters. Allowed characters a-z and a space. :param str visibility: public, private, rprotected, pprotected, dprotected, webkiosk, appkiosk or webappkiosk (rprotected = protected by referrer, pprotected = protected by password, dprotected = protected by domain(s)) :param str domains: A list of domains seperated by a comma (Note: Visibility must be set to dprotected) Examples:,, :param str validity: Valid from and / or valid until Examples: 2013-10-01T00:00:00-2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00, valid until 2013-10-30 23:59:59) 2013-10-01T00:00:00- (valid from 2013-10-01 00:00:00-) -2013-10-30T23:59:59 (valid until -2013-10-30 23:59:59) :param str blurred: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_image: Image data The image must be less than 2 MB in size. Allowed mime types are image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png and image/x-png. The image will be resized to fit in the page dimensions (of your magazine). Note: If you use page_teaser_image, the parameters page_teaser_page_range and page_teaser_url are required. :param str page_teaser_page_range: Page numbers seperated by comma. Examples: 1-2, 5-9, 11- :param str page_teaser_url: A valid URL. Examples: :param str downloadable: Allow users to download your source pdf file. y or n :param str detect_elements: Detect elements automatically? y or n :param str recommended_magazines: Show recommended magazines on Yumpu? y or n :param str social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_social_sharing: Show social sharing buttons in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_download_pdf: Show button „download pdf“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_print_page: Show button „print page“ in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_branding: Show Yumpu branding in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_sidebar: Show a list of recommended documents in Yumpu Player. y or n :param str player_html5_c2r: Activate HTML5 full screen on Yumpu. y or n :param str player_outer_shadow: Drop shadow in Yumpu player. y or n :param str player_inner_shadow: Shadow effects on pages. y or n :param str player_ga: Activate Google Analytics tracking. A valid UA code from Google Analytics. :param str access_tags: One or multiple access_tag ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str subscriptions: One or multiple subscription ids (myid1 or myid1,myid2) :param str iap: Enable In-App Purchase (y or n) :param str itc_product_id: iTunes Product ID """ entry_point = '/document.json' return self.do_put(entry_point, kwargs)
[docs] def document_delete(self, id): """ This function will delete the document on Yumpu. :param int id: the id of document to delete :returns: the result of deleting action :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document.json' return self.do_delete(entry_point, id)
[docs] def progess_get(self, id): """ Show the progress of uploading and converting of document. :param str id: id of progress object :returns: the details of uploading and coverting process :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/progess.json' params = { 'id': id } return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def document_hotspots_get(self, id, page=None, offset=0, limit=10, sort='page_asc', return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve a list of your document hotspots. :param int id: the id of one of your documents :param int page: filter the results by page number (1-X) :param int offset: Retrieve rows at position X (min. 0) :param int limit: Retrieve X rows (min. 0 and max. 100) :param str sort: Sort results by create_date_desc, create_date_asc, page_desc, page_asc :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, page, type, settings, create_date, update_date) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/hotspots.json' params = { 'id': id, 'page': page, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sort': sort } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def document_hotspot_get(self, id, return_fields=[ 'id', 'document_id', 'page', 'type', 'settings', 'create_date', 'update_date' ]): """ Retrieve a document hotspot :param str id: One of your document hotspot ids :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, document_id, page, type, settings, create_date, update_date)Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, document_id, page, type, settings, create_date, update_date) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/hotspot.json' params = { 'id': id } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
def __document_hotspot_post(self, document_id, page, type_, sx, sy, sw, sh, sname, stooltip, slink=None, ssource=None, ssource_id=None, ssource_url=None, sautoplay='n'): """ Create a new document hotspot. :param int document_id: One of your document ids :param str page: Page number (1-X) :param str type: Type can be link, video, audio or slideshow :param int sx: x position of the document hotspot :param int sy: y position of the document hotspot :param int sw: width of the document hotspot :param int sh: height of the document hotspot :param str sname: a name for the document hotspot (min. length 5, max. length 50) :param str stooltip: a tooltip for the document hotspot (min. length 5, max. length 50) :param str slink: a url (valid URL) :param str ssource: youtube, vimeo, flickr, soundcloud :param str ssource_id: youtube: a valid youtube video id vimeo: a valid vimeo video id flickr: a valid flickr id :param str ssource_url: soundcloud: a valid soundcloud url :param str sautoplay: y or n :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/hotspot.json' params = { 'document_id': document_id, 'page': page, 'type': type_, 'settings[x]': sx, 'settings[y]': sy, 'settings[w]': sw, 'settings[h]': sh, 'settings[name]': sname, 'settings[tooltip]': stooltip, 'settings[link]': slink, 'settings[source]': ssource, 'settings[source_id]': ssource_id, 'settings[source_url]': ssource_url, 'settings[autoplay]': sautoplay } return self.do_post(entry_point, params) def __document_hotspot_put(self, id, page, type, sx, sy, sw, sh, sname, stooltip, slink, ssource, ssource_id=None, ssource_url=None, sautoplay=None): """ Update a document hotspot. :param str id: One of your document hotspot ids :param str type: Type can be link, video, audio or slideshow :param int sx: x position of the document hotspot :param int sy: y position of the document hotspot :param int sw: width of the document hotspot :param int sh: height of the document hotspot :param str sname: a name for the document hotspot (min. length 5, max. length 50) :param str stooltip: a tooltip for the document hotspot (min. length 5, max. length 50) :param str slink: a url (valid URL) :param str ssource: youtube, vimeo, flickr, soundcloud :param str ssource_id: youtube: a valid youtube video id vimeo: a valid vimeo video id flickr: a valid flickr id :param str ssource_url: soundcloud: a valid soundcloud url :param str sautoplay: y or n :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/hotspot.json' params = { 'id': id, 'type': type, 'settings[x]': sx, 'settings[y]': sy, 'settings[w]': sw, 'settings[h]': sh, 'settings[name]': sname, 'settings[tooltip]': stooltip, 'settings[link]': slink, 'settings[source]': ssource, 'settings[source_id]': ssource_id, 'settings[source_url]': ssource_url, 'settings[autoplay]': sautoplay } return self.do_put(entry_point, params)
[docs] def document_hotspot_delete(self, id): """ Delete one document hotspot. :param str id: One of your document hotspot ids :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/hotspot.json' return self.do_delete(entry_point, id)
[docs] def categories_get(self): """ Get the list of categories. :returns: a list of categories with their details :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/categories.json' return self.do_get(entry_point)
[docs] def languages_get(self): """ Get list of supporting languages. :returns: a list of languages :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.documents_get() {u'completed_in': u'0.0104', u'languages': [ {u'iso': u'en', u'name': u'english'}, {u'iso': u'de', u'name': u'german'}, {u'iso': u'fr', u'name': u'french'}, {u'iso': u'it', u'name': u'italian'}, {u'iso': u'es', u'name': u'spanish'}, {u'iso': u'nl', u'name': u'dutch'}, {u'iso': u'pt', u'name': u'portuguese'}, {u'iso': u'sv', u'name': u'swedish'}, {u'iso': u'da', u'name': u'danish'}, {u'iso': u'no', u'name': u'norwegian'}, {u'iso': u'gl', u'name': u'galician'}, {u'iso': u'ro', u'name': u'romanian'}, {u'iso': u'ca', u'name': u'catalan'}, {u'iso': u'pl', u'name': u'polish'}, {u'iso': u'id', u'name': u'indonesian'}, {u'iso': u'af', u'name': u'afrikaans'}, {u'iso': u'ru', u'name': u'russian'}, {u'iso': u'cs', u'name': u'czech'}, {u'iso': u'hu', u'name': u'hungarian'}, {u'iso': u'sl', u'name': u'slovene'}, {u'iso': u'et', u'name': u'estonian'}, {u'iso': u'tr', u'name': u'turkish'}, {u'iso': u'eo', u'name': u'esperanto'}, {u'iso': u'ht', u'name': u'haitian'}, {u'iso': u'eu', u'name': u'basque'}, {u'iso': u'cy', u'name': u'welsh'}, {u'iso': u'mt', u'name': u'maltese'}, {u'iso': u'sk', u'name': u'slovak'}, {u'iso': u'bs', u'name': u'bosnian'}, {u'iso': u'el', u'name': u'greek'}, {u'iso': u'tl', u'name': u'tagalog'}, {u'iso': u'hr', u'name': u'croatian'}, {u'iso': u'fi', u'name': u'finnish'}, {u'iso': u'xx', u'name': u'unknown'}, {u'iso': u'sw', u'name': u'swahili'}, {u'iso': u'lt', u'name': u'lithuanian'}, {u'iso': u'lv', u'name': u'latvian'}, {u'iso': u'zh', u'name': u'chinese'}, {u'iso': u'ga', u'name': u'irish'}, {u'iso': u'is', u'name': u'icelandic'}, {u'iso': u'th', u'name': u'thai'}, {u'iso': u'sq', u'name': u'albanian'}, {u'iso': u'ja', u'name': u'japanese'}, {u'iso': u'ms', u'name': u'malay'}, {u'iso': u'la', u'name': u'latin'}, {u'iso': u'ko', u'name': u'korean'}, {u'iso': u'mk', u'name': u'macedonian'}, {u'iso': u'ar', u'name': u'arabic'}, {u'iso': u'vi', u'name': u'vietnamese'}, {u'iso': u'mn', u'name': u'mongolian'}, {u'iso': u'uk', u'name': u'ukrainian'}, {u'iso': u'iw', u'name': u'hebrew'}, {u'iso': u'wa', u'name': u'walloon'}, {u'iso': u'sr', u'name': u'serbian'}, {u'iso': u'be', u'name': u'belarusian'}, {u'iso': u'ta', u'name': u'tamil'}, {u'iso': u'fa', u'name': u'persian'}, {u'iso': u'bn', u'name': u'bengali'}, {u'iso': u'ka', u'name': u'georgian'}, {u'iso': u'te', u'name': u'telugu'}, {u'iso': u'hy', u'name': u'armenian'}, {u'iso': u'ps', u'name': u'pashto'}, {u'iso': u'kn', u'name': u'kannada'}, {u'iso': u'aa', u'name': u'afar'}, {u'iso': u'ab', u'name': u'abkhaz'}, {u'iso': u'am', u'name': u'amharic'}, {u'iso': u'dz', u'name': u'dzongkha'}, {u'iso': u'gn', u'name': u'guarani'}, {u'iso': u'gu', u'name': u'gujarati'}, {u'iso': u'ha', u'name': u'hausa'}, {u'iso': u'hb', u'name': u'hb'}, {u'iso': u'az', u'name': u'azerbaijani'}, {u'iso': u'bg', u'name': u'bulgarian'}, {u'iso': u'hi', u'name': u'hindi'}, {u'iso': u'kk', u'name': u'kazakh'}, {u'iso': u'kl', u'name': u'kalaallisut'}, {u'iso': u'ku', u'name': u'kurdish'}, {u'iso': u'ky', u'name': u'kyrgyz'}, {u'iso': u'ml', u'name': u'malayalam'}, {u'iso': u'mr', u'name': u'marathi'}, {u'iso': u'my', u'name': u'burmese'}, {u'iso': u'ne', u'name': u'nepali'}, {u'iso': u'pa', u'name': u'panjabi'}, {u'iso': u'sh', u'name': u'serbo-croatian'}, {u'iso': u'si', u'name': u'sinhala'}, {u'iso': u'so', u'name': u'somali'}, {u'iso': u'su', u'name': u'sundanese'}, {u'iso': u'tk', u'name': u'turkmen'}, {u'iso': u'tt', u'name': u'tatar'}, {u'iso': u'ur', u'name': u'urdu'}, {u'iso': u'uz', u'name': u'uzbek'}, {u'iso': u'yi', u'name': u'yiddish'}, {u'iso': u'zu', u'name': u'zulu'} ], u'state': u'success', u'total': 93} """ entry_point = '/document/languages.json' return self.do_get(entry_point)
[docs] def countries_get(self): """ Get the list of countries. :returns: a list of supporting countries :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/document/countries.json' return self.do_get(entry_point)
[docs] def collections_get(self, offset=0, limit=10, return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve a list of your collections. :param int offset: Retrieve rows at position X (min. 0) :param int limit: Retrieve X rows (min. 0 and max. 100) :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, update_date, name, order, sections) """ entry_point = '/collections.json' params = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def collection_get(self, id, return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve one collection. :param str id: One of your collection ids :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, update_date, name, order, sections) """ entry_point = '/collection.json' params = { 'id': id, } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def collection_post(self, name): """ Create a collection. :param str name: the name of new collection :returns: the details of new created collection :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/collection.json' params = { 'name': name, } return self.do_post(entry_point, params=params)
[docs] def collection_put(self, id, name): """ Update a collection with given id. :param str id: the id of collection to update :param str name: the name for update :returns: the status of operation and the edited collection :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.collection_put('omkYGduXowlyx9WF', 'Holidays 2013') { "collection": [ { "id": "omkYGduXowlyx9WF", "create_date": "2013-09-23 09:05:47", "update_date": "2013-09-23 09:11:45", "name": "Holidays 2013", "order": 0, "sections": [ { "id": "omkYGduXowlyx9WF_stVFPUYW3kHX07B6", "name": "", "description": "", "sorting": "manually", "order": 0 } ] } ], "state": "success" } """ entry_point = '/collection.json' params = { 'id': id, 'name': name, } return self.do_put(entry_point, params)
[docs] def collection_delete(self, id): """ This method will delete a collection with given id. :param str id: the id of collection to delete :returns: the state of operation :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.collection_delete('omkYGduXowlyx9WF') {"state":"success"} """ entry_point = '/collection.json' return self.do_delete(entry_point, id)
[docs] def section_get(self, id, return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve one section. :param str id: One of your section ids :param return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, update_date, name, description, sorting, order, documents) :type return_fields: list """ entry_point = '/collection/section.json' params = { 'id': id, } if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def section_post(self, id, name, description=None, sorting='manually'): """ Create a new section for given category. :param str id: One of your collection ids :param str name: The name of section :param str description: Description of this section :param str sorting: Sort documents in section manually or automatically (by create_date_desc, create_date_asc, title_desc, title_asc) :returns: the datas of new created section :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.section_post('iMWWKoMS76pjqMoO', 'Sports', 'Sports') { "section": [ { "id": "F54wo1ijuIzhbSfK", "create_date": "2013-09-23 10:46:53", "update_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "name": "Sports", "description": "Sports", "sorting": "manually", "order": 2, "documents": "" } ], "state": "success" } """ entry_point = '/collection/section.json' params = { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'sorting': sorting } return self.do_post(entry_point, params)
[docs] def section_put(self, id, name, description=None, sorting='manually'): """ Create a new section for given category. :param str id: One of your section ids :param str name: The name of section :param str description: Description of this section :param str sorting: Sort documents in section manually or automatically (by create_date_desc, create_date_asc, title_desc, title_asc) :returns: the datas of new created section :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.section_put('F54wo1ijuIzhbSfK', 'Sports 2013') { "section": [ { "id": "F54wo1ijuIzhbSfK", "create_date": "2013-09-23 10:46:53", "update_date": "2013-09-23 11:11:35", "name": "Sports 2013", "description": "Sports", "sorting": "create_date_desc", "order": 2, "documents": "" } ], "state": "success" } """ entry_point = '/collection/section.json' params = { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'sorting': sorting } if description: params['description'] = description return self.do_put(entry_point, params)
[docs] def section_delete(self, id): """ Delete one of your sections :param str id: The id of one of your sections :returns: the status of operation :rtype: json >>> from yumpu_sdk.api import Yumpu >>> yumpu = Yumpu('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE') >>> yumpu.section_delete('omkYGduXowlyx9WF') {"state":"success"} """ entry_point = '/collection/section.json' return self.do_delete(entry_point, id)
[docs] def section_document_post(self, id, documents): """ Create a new document in section. :param str id: one of your section ids :param list documents: a list of your documents ids for add to this section :returns: the content of section object """ entry_point = '/collection/section/document.json' params = { 'id': id, 'documents': ','.join(documents) } return self.do_post(entry_point, params)
[docs] def section_document_delete(self, id, documents): """ Remove documents from section. :param str id: one of your section ids :param list documents: a list of your documents ids :returns: the content of section object """ entry_point = '/collection/section/document.json' params = { 'id': id, 'documents': ','.join(documents) } url = "%s%s" % (BASE_URL, entry_point) r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers, data=params) return r.json()
[docs] def search(self, q, in_=['author', 'title', 'description', 'tags'], op='or', offset=0, limit=10, return_fields=[ 'id', 'url', 'short_url', 'image_small', 'image_medium', 'image_big', 'language', 'title', 'description', 'tags', 'embed_code' ], sort=None, language=None, pages=None, heat_rank=None, views=None, create_date=None, category=None): """ Search documents :param str q: A keyword to search for :param list in_: Search keyword in fields author, title, description or tags :param str op: Search keyword with „and“ or „or“ operator :param int offset: Retrieve rows at position X (min. 0) :param int limit: Retrieve X rows (min. 0 and max. 100) :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, url, short_url, image_small, image_medium, image_big, language, title, description, tags, embed_code) :param str sort: Sort results (views_desc, views_asc, create_date_desc, create_date_asc, heat_rank_desc, heat_rank_asc, pages_desc, pages_asc) :param str language: Filter result (de, en, …) :param str pages: Filter result from 10 to 20 pages (10-20) or exact 30 pages (30) :param str heat_rank: Filter result from 50 to 100 heat_rank (50-100) or exact 80 heat_rank (80) :param str views: Filter result with 500 to 1000 views (500-1000) or exact 800 views (800) :param str create_date: Filter result which got created from 2013-09-01 between 2013-09-30 (2013-09-01-2013-09-30) or on an exact date 2013-09-01 (2013-09-01) :param int category: Filter result (1, 2, …) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/search.json' params = { 'q': q, 'op': op, 'sort': sort, 'language': language, 'pages': pages, 'heat_rank': heat_rank, 'views': views, 'create_date': create_date, 'category': category } if in_: params['in'] = ','.join(in_) if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params, SEARCH_URL)
[docs] def user_get(self, return_fields=[]): """ Retrieve your user profile data. :param list return_fields: Customize the responses by setting the return fields (id, create_date, activate_date, last_login_date, username, email, gender, name, firstname, lastname, birth_date, address, zip_code, city, country, description, website, blog, language) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/user.json' params = {} if return_fields: params['return_fields'] = ','.join(return_fields) return self.do_get(entry_point, params)
[docs] def user_put(self, **kwargs): """ Update your profile. :param str gender: Your gender (male or female) :param str firstname: Your firstname (min. length 2 characters, max. length 100 characters) :param str lastname: Your lastname (min. length 2 characters, max. length 100 characters) :param str birth_date: Your birth_date (YYYY-MM-DD) :param str address: Your address (max. length 255 characters) :param str zip_code: Your zip code (max. length 10 characters) :param str city: Your city (max. length 50 characters) :param str country: Your country (DE, GB, FR, …) :param str description: Your address (max. length 255 characters) :param str website: Your website (max. length 255 characters, valid URL) :param str blog: Your blog (max. length 255 characters, valid URL) :param str language: Your language (de, en, fr, …) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/user.json' return self.do_put(entry_point, kwargs)
[docs] def user_post(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new user profile. :param str email: Your email address (valid email address) :param str username: Your username (Allowed characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and a dot, min. length 5 characters, max. length 30 characters) :param str password: Your password (min. length 6 characters) :param str gender: Your gender (male or female) :param str firstname: Your firstname (min. length 2 characters, max. length 100 characters) :param str lastname: Your lastname (min. length 2 characters, max. length 100 characters) :param str birth_date: Your birth_date (YYYY-MM-DD) :param str address: Your address (max. length 255 characters) :param str zip_code: Your zip code (max. length 10 characters) :param str city: Your city (max. length 50 characters) :param str country: Your country (DE, GB, FR, …) :param str description: Your address (max. length 255 characters) :param str website: Your website (max. length 255 characters, valid URL) :param str blog: Your blog (max. length 255 characters, valid URL) :param str language: Your language (de, en, fr, …) :rtype: json """ entry_point = '/user.json' return self.do_post(entry_point, kwargs)